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Tiffany Jordan - RAW Artists
"Kodey is one of the best and most unique talents I have come across in this field. Her lyrics speak to the connectivity we all crave as humans while her outstanding vocal range takes the listener on a ride through engaging and interesting melodies. She is unapologetic in exposing her feelings through her music and allows the audience the opportunity to understand their own more."

York Calling 7/31/18

“…there is something very evocative about her language, stirring up an immense sense of nostalgia within

Music Injection - 7/21/18

"This adventurous folk song is connectable to all Australians even if they don’t drink that particular brand. Using landscapes in songs and being influenced by the 80’s bands her parent listened to. Kodey’s vocal range is impressive as well as her skills on the guitar.”

Adobe & Teardrops 7/25/18

“...something about this song kept pulling me back in and I kind of found it a little bit endearing and kind of sweet at the same time” 

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